“服务承诺奖”旨在表彰那些通过向我们的客户提供BG大游服务来支持Centro Legal的公益律师事务所, and improving our clients’ lives in impactful ways. 

For more than ten years, 安德鲁与Centro Legal合作不仅在法庭上为数百名租户提供无偿服务, 他领导了倡导我们社区住房系统变革的努力. 他是正义事业驱逐保护倡议的三位创始成员之一, 这是一个草根运动,最初是奥克兰租户联盟的一个附属委员会,并导致了《BG大游集团》的出台, protecting thousands of tenants in the City of Oakland. Not only does he lead by example, he mentors and supports generations of tenant advocates, including many of our own Tenants’ Rights attorneys. 

“安德鲁几十年来一直在争取租户,支持Centro和我们的社区.  他不仅在我们一些最大的集体诉讼案件中担任先涛的联合律师, 但他总是愿意代表面临恶劣住房条件或骚扰的个别家庭.  我甚至无法想象如果没有安德鲁对正义坚定不移的承诺,租户社区会变成什么样.” — Jesse Newmark, Litigation Director, Centro Legal

他毕业于旧金山大学法学院和加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的本科生. 他的业务重点是人身伤害和房东与房客之间的诉讼. For three years, Mr. Wolff曾担任奥克兰租金稳定委员会的城市专员,作为当时的市长Elihu Harris任命的租户代表. 他目前是加州消费者律师协会的成员, East Bay Tenant Bar Association, Alameda County Bar Association, and former Board Member of Housing Rights, Inc. 

The Law Offices of Andrew Wolff, PC has obtained multiple judgments and more than 1,500 settlements for clients throughout California. Mr. 沃尔夫还为年轻律师举办了房东-租客MCLE培训, 并在金门大学的一门BG大游房东与房客诉讼的课程中担任客座讲师. In 2017, Mr. 沃尔夫被阿拉米达县律师协会授予了享有盛誉的司法卫士奖.

Mr. Wolff has practiced law for twenty years, 在业主与租客及人身伤害诉讼的各个阶段都有丰富的经验. He is well known in the non-profit community, and regularly volunteers on behalf of low income people. Mr. Wolff cares deeply about the people he represents, 以及涉及人身伤害和房东与房客诉讼的潜在问题. He feels strongly about achieving success for his clients. Mr. 沃尔夫为他的客户提供个人关注和高质量的BG大游咨询. 

Catalyst for Change Award 表彰我们的社区合作伙伴,他们与Centro Legal肩并肩,在社区中创造社会影响.

This year we honor the community members behind the Oakland Unified School District’s Refugee and Newcomers program and Hayward Unified School District’s Newcomer Services program, including Qoc’avib Revolorio, Nathaniel Dunstan, Laurel Thayer, Lucinda Matias, Maria Aguilar, Ivone Hernandez, Carolina Fortin, Josie Garcia, and Sabrina Aranda

For the last ten years, Centro Legal与奥克兰联合学区(OUSD)的难民和新移民项目以及海沃德联合学区(HUSD)的新移民服务项目合作,以应对大量无人陪伴的无证未成年人和抵达奥克兰的移民家庭的紧急BG大游需求. Together, 开办校本BG大游诊所,为学生和家庭提供免费的移民BG大游咨询和代理服务. 我们的伙伴关系将继续支持移民青年和家庭确保安全, stability, and opportunities to thrive through coordinated legal, academic, and social service support.

“Centro与usd难民和新移民项目以及HUSD新移民服务项目的合作是对我们的客户和社区的巨大礼物. We work together every day: Centro offers consultations, trainings, 并为奥克兰和海沃德学校的家庭和无人陪伴的未成年人提供全方位的代理服务, 我们的学区合作伙伴获奖者通过识别有需要的家庭使这一切成为可能, offering us space, resources, and information, 并确保帮助满足新移民家庭和他们所在地区青少年的所有非BG大游需求. 我们的学区合作伙伴以善良、耐心和渊博的知识完成了这一切. 我每天都能从他们身上学到新的东西,我对他们与Centro之间持久的伙伴关系和友谊感激不尽. 

— Isaac Flegel-Mishlove, Skadden Fellow & Staff Attorney, Immigrants’ Rights

下个月和我一起庆祝难民和新移民团队以及难民和新移民服务团队! I am excited, and hope you will be there. Get your tickets today!

There are currently around 2,奥克兰联合学区内500名无人陪伴的无证未成年人(UUMs), and around 30 new UUMs enroll each month. A similar effect in Hayward. Overall, we have had enormous success, 确保我们所有无人陪伴的未成年客户免于被驱逐出境. Through our school based legal services, 我们帮助100%的uum学生申请工作许可证,支持他们走上职业道路.



Centro Legal认识到我们的倡导者社区所做的必要工作, clients, and partners do to ensure a just world for everyone. By working together, we change the trajectories of how we best serve our community, advocating for policy change and better laws.

今年,我们向FCI都柏林幸存者致敬,他们勇敢地站起来,与同性恋作斗争 profound injustices 在加州都柏林的一所联邦女子监狱的经历.

“We have learned time and time again from FCI Dublin survivors that: true liberation will not come from the courts; cages hold no place in our futures; and solutions are founded in community. For years, 都柏林FCI的虐待幸存者已经实践了一个我们都应该渴望居住的“明天”, 建立在对彼此的深切关怀之上,因为监狱和BG大游系统在设计上失败了, 并通过他们对自己故事的有力重新诠释来证明, defense of their personhood, 以及在这场走向解放和正义的运动中勇敢而坚韧的领导.”

— Emily Almendarez, Senior Paralegal, Immigrants’ Rights

Join me along with Maria, Valeria, and Cristaal who will be receiving the award, 代表140多名监狱工作人员虐待和报复的幸存者,在都柏林FCI为正义而战.